Wayne is 81. The great 20th C psychologist, Eric Ericson, points out that in the final stage of a healthy life cycle, those who gained want to turn around and give back to the world. Then they can go in peace.
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Can Wayne answer your question? Wayne was pre-med at UCLA, and he never ceased with his fascination for the human body and how to keep it strong and healthy. He was a world-class wrestler and never ceased picking things up and hurling them around. After 10 coronary procedures and 3 marriages, he also knows matters of the heart. He learned business while earning an MBA. He used some of the rules and ignored others while crafting a breath-taking life of independence. He lost some money but made a whole lot more and had fun doing it. As a self-taught litigator, he loves a simple good clean fight in court. Especially when he wins.
In Wayne’s view, the spirit is the tent pole of it all. The smile on your face is more important than then what’s in your pocket. Wayne attended groups, seminars, and sessions with a multitude of gurus, therapists, and coaches—the best of the lot—in every topic and activity from God to tantric ecstasy to getting free of addictions to jujitsu. He can fix a leaky faucet or make you laugh. He’s got a hot rod, a Bentley, a Tesla, a boat, and a great desire to deliver some short cuts to winning the game of life. He wants to pass along what he calls “Wayne’s Way.”